Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nature is our Mother

Now i know that Nature is our real mother.. 
The reason why is that , Think about it.. where our real food come from.. 
Its from nature.. Chickens, cows, They are the nature's children...  we are too.. 
Cause nature help us to survive.. if u dont get it.. well someday you will..

Im now loving nature. so much.. that i often go to the beach and my grandma's place where nature is all so pure & wonderful.. But now,  modern technologies has been created and.. buildings being build.. and whats worst is.. Trees  are being cut down.. 

People wont realised that they are crying..
But if really wanna hear it.. U have to really hear it with your heart.. Mean it and focus to whats really going on around you...

People are now happy with their life with their family in their homes ... well who help them? Its Natures! the stones to build up walls its part of nature..
The vegetables , padi , fruits and water , these is all natures! which help us all o survive...

So now why the people still wont stop? i can see  that they all still cutting trees... thats because they forgot that Nature is our real mother ... Nature is the one who suffers a lot ... and in the end we will too ... But we can change all of this with the power of all our hearts as one to heal the world ..

My teacher always show us slides about the greatness of nature and what it have become after all that is gone.. We humans are to blame.. there is still chance to change it all.. if we could work together.. im serious.. i cant do these alone.. 

Heres the nature , the mother of us & all... 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

4th Of August ... Horoscope Leo ...

The 4th Of August is the day i celebrate my Birthday, Im turning 18 this year , and everything change, in a good way and bad way.. From a teenage life to an Adult life .. Im growin up into a mature young Lady... its time for me to be an independent woman and be more responsible.. but in my heart there is still my inner child.. that i keep forever... coz i know when i miss my old days.. she will be there to cheer me up.. and.. remind me of my childhood memories.. Happy memories...

Since im 18, there is so much things im gonna do, learn how to  drive , finding my career , plan for the future.. now i just realised that everything is very serious and i have to be ready for new challenges thats coming my way... I THINK IM UP FOR THE CHALLENGES.. because im Wyna im a grown up!!! 

Here's a poem i found.. Enjoy..

Miracle of age
When all seems to be over and gone
Emotions once strong passed away
Standing strong, again she had won
Her new role in life to play

Numbers are all in a modern life
Without those, who would we be
Money and beauty always at strife
All needed for us to be free

New people, a love or two
She now grown older and wise
Life has changed, dreams came true
Some deep plans taken by surprise

In the coming of new days through time
Always remember to be true
While getting over stages dark and sublime
You grew up to be the miracle that is you

Days of learning,
Years to grow,
Times to smile,
Times to burrow,
I have been a free spirit,
I've ran in my bare feet,
And kissed every inch that was bare,
Danced to every beat.
Now I'm working three jobs,
About to be four,
And I'm tired,
But I want to have my own front door.
Don't love anyone,
Safer that way,
Living with chicken noodles,
It would be wrong to ask anyone to stay.
I adore them all,
My life and world,
To them will fall.
So yes, turned eighteen today,
Yet strong enough to fight this good green Earth,
There is nothing you can throw at me,
And none of it would've happened if it wasn't for my birth.